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Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!

Martin Luther King Jr Monument
Photo by Bee Calder

As I sit and contemplate the celebration of his special day, I think of his important contributions to our society. Dr. King was a Drum Major for peace, nonviolence, freedom, and human dignity.  Our world today is so full of violent hatred and unrest.  As I continue to sit in deep thought, I recall the day of his funeral service and how I and several of my college friends marched in his funeral procession from the Ebenezer Baptist Church to the Atlanta University Center that warm spring day.  Although there were thousands of people, all was so peaceful.  What a dramatic contrast to what we are witnessing in our turbulent times.  What would Dr. King think and how would he react? Oh what memories!

Dr. King had a dream and so do the descendants of those loved ones buried in the historic Pierce Chapel African American Cemetery in Midland, Harris County Georgia.  What would Dr. King think of the desecration, and the wrongs done to this cemetery?  He would want us to rise up and correct the wrongs peacefully.  And that is exactly what we are doing now to preserve historic Pierce Chapel African American Cemetery.

As we celebrate his birthday and honor Dr. King’s legacy on January 18, 2021, let us all remember and honor our ancestors each and every day and pray that once and for all, they can have a peaceful resting place.

Pat Phillips

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